Our school uniform is smart, comfortable and practical. The children wear navy sweatshirts and sky blue polo shirts with black shoes. These can be plain or embroidered with our school logo. Trousers or skirts should be black or grey.
School uniform can be ordered online direct from our uniform supplier ‘Schoolwear Direct‘.
School Uniform at Black Torrington Primary School

Alternatively, you can visit their shop in Okehampton.
Schoolwear Direct,
North Road Industrial Estate,
EX20 1BQ.
Schoolwear direct also sells optional items e.g. trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafore dresses, water bottles & stationary plus much more.
In Class 1 (yrs Reception, 1 & 2) the children use a book bag. Once they transition into Class 2 (yrs 3, 4, 5 & 6) a rucksack is more suitable to hold their belongings.

PE Kit
PE kit should comprise of a white t-shirt, navy or black shorts and trainers (not plimsolls). Navy Joggers or leggings may be worn during the colder months. Children can come to school on PE days in their kit with their school jumper.
All items need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Labels are available to purchase from Schoolwear Direct