Hello and welcome to the PTFA page of our school website.
Our Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) is comprised of a group of enthusiastic parents, friends and teachers of the school and all are paramount to the success of this association.
As a PTFA we support the school in any way we can. We hold fundraising events which have included a Pancake morning, BBQ, Bag 2 School collection, design your own Christmas card, second hand uniform, and our annual Christmas Market which are great opportunities to get together in our school community.
We have brought various items for the school children to use including a new large picnic table for the school garden along with some plants, two iPad’s, cameras, dressing up clothes, Play Mobil sets and games for wet weather play.
Last year we paid for a Wonderstruck Science workshop for the whole school and organised and paid for a trip to the Zoo.
We aim to meet termly. You are more than welcome to come and join our meetings which are always informal. We are always looking for new ideas and welcome input.
We have signed up to Easyfundraising where the PTFA receive a donation every time you shop online, see flyer for more information or go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/blacktorringtonpfta/
Thank you for reading our page. We hope you have found it interesting and informative.
Black Torrington C of E Primary School PTFA.