Behaviour Policy

Policy Rationale and Aims

Everybody works and learns best in an atmosphere of order, respect and consistency. We are all entitled to be treated fairly and with dignity, with the knowledge that if we have difficulties we will be well supported to make positive changes.

Children have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied – See Appendix A – Rights and Responsibilities It is important to remember that all children are different, different incidents require different responses and so a general approach needs to be followed. Consistency across the school is crucial but is not about a ‘one size fits all’ single sanction for a particular offence. Consistency means that in that particular situation, with that particular child, at that particular time, all the adults in school would have looked at the facts and responded in the same way. The same action from a different child at a different time may result in a different response. In the same way, some children may have modified reward systems in place to support their behaviour choices. We will make reasonable adjustments to consequences to meet the needs of the individual child. It is important for adults and children to understand that some children, especially those on the Autistic Spectrum or who have ASHD exhibit certain behaviours as their only means to communicate. Whilst we won’t accept these behaviours we will make reasonable adjustments to understand why the behaviour has occurred and support appropriately.

It’s important to realise that it is not only the child’s academic curriculum that requires differentiation but that of their social skills too. We also spend the time to discuss these issues with other children to raise awareness of additional needs in order for other children to understand the complexity of the situation. It is also crucial to ensure that all children are listened to, treated fairly, and enabled to understand the impact of their behaviours and the reasons for the sanctions they may result in. In order to support our children with feeling safe in school, the ‘victim’ of a behaviour incident MUST be left sure that the incident has been dealt with (no details are needed) and that appropriate action has been taken.